If you are attending the Studio for the first time, you may not know what to expect, and, depending upon your goals, your tutor may elect to proceed in a few different ways. However, all appointments share the mission of strengthening your critical thinking and writing, which is done most often through review, discussion, and suggestion. If you are engaging with a new genre or a new technology, we may also aid you with construction or provide examples, as well. Regardless, all appointments are interactive and will need your questions, materials, and great minds. To best prepare for your visit, consult the lists below. You can also consult our FAQs page or reach out to us at [email protected] for any questions we have not answered. We hope to see you soon!
Make a Profile
All tutoring sessions (both in-person and online) are appointment based. The Studio recommends that all clients schedule their own appointments using our WC Online system, but you must first register an account. To register, click here to create an account.
Do note that the GSU Writing Studio services students, alumni, staff, and faculty members only, and you must provide your GSU email and Panther ID# to complete the registration process. If you are an alum, click here about gathering materials for your registration process.
Make an Appointment
After you create an account, log into the scheduling system to make an appointment.
If you are an undergraduate student, your appointment is 25 minutes. If you are a graduate student, alumni, faculty, and staff, your appointment is 55 minutes.
If you are five minutes late to your appointment, your tutor or the desk worker at the time reserve the right to mark your appointment missed. Three missed appointments in one calendar year will result in your account being frozen until the end of the year. Please contact the Writing Studio ahead of time if you believe you will be late for your appointment.
Cancel or Change an Appointment
You can cancel your appointment early in order to avoid the “missed appointment” penalty by returning to the schedule, clicking on your appointment, and clicking “cancel appointment” at the bottom of the new window.
If you would like to change your appointment time, follow the canceling procedure listed above, and then make a new appointment for a different time, date, and/or tutor.
You may cancel your appointment or adjust the details of your appointment up until five minutes before the start of your appointment.
Write/Chat Appointments
Online appointments using the Write/Chat system are by appointment, the same as the face-to-face sessions. You can sign up for an online appointment by scheduling a time with an online tutor. These tutors have the word “Online” next to their name.
To access your online appointment, return to the schedule, and click on the box with your appointment. A new window will open, and in the center of the new window, you will find a link called “Start or Join Online Consultation.” Click on that link to begin your online tutorial.
Need to Chat?
If you have any questions or concerns about your in-person or Write/Chat appointments, or need to arrange appointment accommodations, please email our admins at [email protected]. You can also review our FAQ page for answers to common questions in case your question is answered there.